
let’s get started


the process

Interested in learning how I can help you in your postpartum journey? It’s best to start with a phone consultation. Phone consultations are always free and confidential. I can answer questions about services, availability, and we can talk about your individual needs. This phone call lasts 15 minutes to a half hour. Usually this is done a few months before birth, however if your baby has already arrived that’s okay too! 

Next, we set up an in person meeting. Preferably this is done at your home so I can get a better sense of your space. We spend an hour getting in depth with your story, concerns, and excitement! We can start making a plan of action. Often parents have a list of baby products that they don’t know if they need. Or lots of advice that they’ve heard and need an informed second opinion about.

As your postpartum doula I can provide both daytime and overnight services. Every family needs different kinds of support. We can discuss what’s best for you to book. Often times parents can’t quite know what they’ll need until their baby arrives. Needs change as babies and families grow and change. So, I try to stay flexible and accommodating.

Contracts with me cover 6 weeks of service. Often this is extended if I have availability. Sometimes clients need less help, and sometimes they just need different kinds of care. Whatever the time frame, my goal is to leave you in a position of confidence and health! 

overnight services

Overnight work means that I spend 8+ hours caring for your baby and you. Typically 10pm-6am, however this is flexible. This service is great for single parents, working parents, parents in early recovery from birth, and those whose bodies need the extra sleep. I can bring your newborn to you to breast/chest feed and then let you sleep while I burp, change, and care for them. Alternatively, I can bottle feed and let you sleep the whole night through!

daytime services

Daytime doula work is about active caring and counseling. In the early postpartum days we focus on recovering from birth, nourishing your body, baby bonding, and creating a peaceful home environment. I’ll do light cleaning, cooking, and laundry, help advise on using sitz baths, peri bottles, setting up breast pumps, feeding stations. I am a certified lactation specialist and can help with breastfeeding progress. I will help plan and put into practice creating a manageable flow to your day surrounding you and your baby’s care. 

I’ve read the baby books and blogs for you, and have access to a community of birth and postpartum experts to reach out to for help. When you run into concerns and challenges, we can work through them together. I can be your sounding board. If I don’t know the answer, I can put you in touch with the people who do. 


$65.00 per hour for daytime service (4 hr minimum)

$65.00 per hour overnight (8 hr minimum )


-I am qualified for insurance programs like Carrot, which will reimburse you for our work together.

-I offer a further reduced price program for a limited number of clients per year for those who need it. If this is something that you need assistance with, please send me an email at